
Wednesday, February 18, 2015



@readtolearnmore / #ScriprsAndCodes #PinoyUnknown

Poets might say that the stars are forever, but scientists know that's not true. All star eventually die when they run out of fuel.
   You might think a more massive stars would live longer because it has more fuel to burn. But the heavier a stars is, the faster it burns through its fuel, and the shorter its lifetime is. The most massive stars will live for only a few million years, while the smallest can live for trillion of years.
    All stars spend most of their lives fusing hydrogen ans turning it into helium in their cores. This nuclear fusion creates the energy we see as starlight. Eventually, the stars core runs out of hydrogen. This is the end for low-mass stars like the sun.   When higher-mass stars run out of hydrogen, they can start fusing the helium in their cores, creating carbon and oxygen. The largest stars can keep fusing heavier and hevier elements until their core is full of hot. That's when the stars dies, because no energy comes from fusing iron.

thanks for reading my blogs! :) :) :) hope you'll enjoy!!! The Life Cycle of a Stars

#PinoyUnknown of ScriptsAndCodes @readtolearnmore

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